Sunday, March 4, 2012

Amazing Provision

A while back I wrote how I was now totally reliant on God. Had given all my personal funds away and prayfully sought God's provision for ministry needs and nursing degree. God has shown His provision to the point of having me in tears.

First - My new landlord. No sooner had I moved in than he asked me if I wanted some part time work? I said sure (suppressing a smile as I knew God was working through this man). Already I have done about $600 in manual labour (which I enjoyed). He has kindly taken it off my rent. I land an inner city studio apartment right beside the school of nursing and it comes with a part time job? Sometimes I want to scream "THERE IS A GOD - WAKE UP EVERYONE"

Next - I had submitted an advert on gumtree (a local selling website). My advert stated I would teach people web and graphic design. I didn't really hear much at first. However, the moment I became reliant on God the emails flooded in. One particular nice young lady wants me to come every week for 6 months! This in itself has provided all my food needs.

I then received requests for websites. These seem to come at just the right timing to pay for tuition, books and training courses. (Buying a stethoscope soon - very excited about that actually). In addition Street Chaplains kindly payed for renewel of First Aid certificate (this coming at the exact time it was required for nursing!).

However tonight was the icing on the cake. I had gone to a local church and decided to put a fair amount of money (almost all I had left) into the tithe box. As I did so I felt great joy. Excitement even. The Scripture "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7) immediately came to mind. When I returned home my mother rang me. My study allowance had just been reviewed and increased by an extra $50 a week! I choked down a tear. I had just placed $50 in the tithe box. God had returned it with $50 a week for the next three years!

If only more people would truly let go of what they have and follow (just as Jesus says too) they would experience God and His provision so much more. It is exciting and challenging. I recommend it to all. Give your money to the poor and follow him. When you do you will find - you cant out give God.

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