Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Bar

As I study idolatry and addictions, I often come across interesting testimonies and insightful sayings. Idolatry is the root sin that starts it all (the downward spiral of sin), you can find that startling conclusion in Romans 1:17-28. Yet once we turn to other 'gods',  we then become ensnared by them. For myself, for seventeen years, it was alcohol. Thanks be to Jesus Christ I am free now. Yet the memory of the often tragic exploits of a drunkard linger on. I found this poem in one of the books I am reviewing. For any that have struggled with drinking, the words will ring true. For those that still struggle, may these words help untangle you -

The Bar
The Saloon is called a bar...
It is more than that by far!
It's a bar to heaven, a door to hell,
Whoever named it, named it well.
A bar to manliness and wealth;
A door to want and broken health.
A bar to honor, pride and fame;
A door to grief, and sin and shame.
A bar to hope, a bar to prayer;
A door to darkness and despair.
A bar to an honored, useful life;
A door to brawling, senseless strife.
A bar to all that's true and brave;
A door to every drunkard's grave.
A bar to joys that home imparts;
A door to tears and aching hearts.
A bar to heaven, a door to hell;
whoever named it, named it well.

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