Friday, August 12, 2011

Where does strength come from?

Recently I wrote a devotion about "Where does the Horse gain its strength?" from the book of Job 39:19-20

I wanted to share with you an amazing and wonderful story. Specifically of how God used that devotion - powerfully.

Today was an incredibly exciting day for me. I just shared my testimony at a large Christian school, to the entire assembly! Some six hundred students and teachers. It was the largest gathering of people I have preached to so far. Prior to that I had given my testimony to a Malaysian church of five hundred or so. However, this was greater still. The young adults were year 8 (13 yr olds) to year 12 (17 yr olds). Thus maturing adolescents. Many were already succumbing to the temptations of alcohol and drugs whilst others were on the edge of such. I knew God wanted me to deliver a strong message of where the road, the wrong road, can lead us. The one without God inside us.

I prayed earnestly for harvest and seeds to be planted. Brothers in the Philippines were also partnering with me in prayer. Again I knew this was a very serious engagement and one that was close to God's heart. These 'kids' meant a lot to God. The night before I had feelings of  anxiety, prayer thankfully took them away. I was just getting over a fairly serious cold and an upset stomach. On top of that I had been to a funeral and visited a friend in hospital and another friend's wife was going in for surgery. All of this was bearing down on me. I needed encouragement, and I needed it from God - direct.

I decided to get a movie. Perhaps God would talk to me through it? I also felt the urge to cry, there seemed to be a lot of pain in me and it needed to come out. The Lord had long taught me that just as He cried so to can we. If we don't, the pain stays inside. It is far from being 'tough' to hold it in. In fact it's the complete opposite. I went to the video store not expecting too much. I don't watch mindless violence, frat party college flicks, vampires, witchcraft or flesh eating zombies. After filtering out all that there tends to be little left. On this night a new movie had just arrived. Its title..was Secretariat. It was a true story about a race horse. Its cover said it was filled with hope, courage and heart. I thought - this will be good.

I went home and got comfortable on the sofa. Putting the movie on I was utterly speechless at the opening verse. "3000 years ago a man named Job questioned God, and God answered with 'Do you give the horse his strength?'" I burst into tears immediately. I felt God's Spirit come upon me powerfully as the movie continued to recite God's entire speech to Job about the horse! The movie was incredibly inspiring; as it told of this courageous, fearless horse, you could sense that GOD was with him. Thus the horse (and its supporters) persevered against all odds and conquered!

By the end of the movie tears were streaming down my face and all the pain inside was gone. I also felt like I could take the roof off the house with my bare hands! I was that encouraged. I was on fire. Tomorrow we tell over six hundred people about CHRIST our Lord! Fear Nothing!

This morning I arose at 6:30. Dressed in my best trousers and shirt and headed off to share my testimony about Our God. How He had saved me from a life of drugs, foolish materialism and selfish exploit. When I arrived at the school the teachers were incredibly warm and welcoming. Everyone seemed to be shining. As I entered the auditorium I had to choke back tears. It was ENORMOUS. IT could seat over 1200 people and I was to be centre stage, with my life projected on two large cinema screens. The sheer privilege of it started to overwhelm me and I quickly prayed asking God to calm me down. He answered immediately.

The whole presentation finished exactly on time. I wasn't nervous at all really. The Lord had me deliver the FULL GOSPEL. Hell, Sin, Satan, Drugs, Suicide, Death, and New Life - the lot. It was a strong message from what I remember. The students took every single brochure I had brought (about 50) and took all my business cards (another 50). I was asked to send more. They were told if they ever needed help to contact me. Also how I hoped NOT to see them on the cold cement in Northbridge. Many came up afterwards and I could tell God was working powerfully in their hearts.

One wonderful young lady approached me in tears. God was moving in her heart and she didn't understand it. She said to me "It Hurts". God was renewing Her heart there and then..... All of heaven and I mean ALL of heaven was rejoicing for her. I explained about what was happening as best I could, telling her of all the tears I had shed myself. The School Chaplain was beside me, a young strapping lad of twenty something. He also joined in reassuring her that he crys too. I suppose for this angelic little lady, two men telling her such gave her understanding and the support she needed. She was afraid because her soul was literally standing in the presence of the Holy One. And she could feel it as a spiritual heart transplant occurred. She spent the next 30 mins in the Chaplain's office. I thanked God this man was there to protect her.

All of the teachers encouraged me greatly. For fifteen minutes I stood with students one after another. They asked questions and took the blog address. I was elated to say the least. Many had been saved. One had been given a new heart instantaneously and over 600 seeds were planted. One teacher told me that she overheard one young boy say "Wow He really gave it to us - that was awesome!". No....God is awesome. Who gives the horse and man his Strength? God does, that's who. To God be all the glory.

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Jack. Wow, you are one busy dude.
