Sunday, March 13, 2011

I have Got your back Covered

It had been a fairly difficult two weeks. The Lord had me come alongside a Morphine Addict. 38, covered in tattoos and I loved him. Straight away I felt for him and wanted him saved. Freed from the hellish existance the drugs had entrapped him in. He would listen carefully to me tell him about Jesus and how Jesus had set me free from drugs and that Jesus could do the same for him. Yet everytime I left He would stick another needle into his arm. I felt as if this man wont live much longer like this. It played heavy on my soul.

During it I wept, got frustrated and felt helpless. I prayed for him and further into the pit I seemed to be sliding. Yet the Lord didnt let me fall all the way into the pit of depression. Holding me firmly at its edge and strengthening me, he told me two words "wisdom experience". The burden of feeling another's soul in anguish but not getting dragged totally into their pit. Being strong enough through Jesus to get into the pit with them, then, climb out. With or without them. Real strength. Jesus' strength.

Along the way, at probably the lowest point, God decided I needed some encouragement. He sent me a photograph from Cambodia. The children had all recieved their brand new tshirts. Each one had the Harvest of Hope Logo on their back and God had pictures taken to show me. As i looked at the little ones and seeing God's continual provision and love for them I felt God say "See, Jack, you need not worry, I GOD have got their backs covered".

It picked me up and helped me to be stronger for the addict. Our God the God of encouragement, the God who has YOUR back covered.


  1. Was amazing to hear your testimony last Sunday Jack, really felt encourage listening to what Christ has done and what he is still to do in your life.
    God bless you brother. Chadd Easton.
    (Matthew 5,3-16)

  2. thx JC let the photograph to encourage u~~~!!!
    GOD is always support u!!!!!!

  3. Thanks Chad and Ck both your words are encouraging. God Bless
